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aura photo 16.png

Indigo Personalities

          Blue Personalities

          Green Personalities


Violet Personalities

           Yellow Personalities

          Orange Personalities

           Red Personalities

Your Aura Is Defined On The






Pet Aura Readings Are Also Available


Violet - Spiritual, very high frequency energy


Indigo - Intuitive, high frequency energy


Blue - Sensitive, medium high frequency energy


Green - Social, medium low frequency


Yellow - Power, medium low frequency


Orange - Courageous, low frequency energy


Red - Grounding, very low frequency energy









Aura Analysis Overview

Below is a list of topic's your Aura Reading will provide.


-The condition of your Organs


-Your Energy Levels in each Chakra


-How your Vibrations effect on others


-Your dominant Aura Colors


-Your most compatible Mates' Aura Colors


-Occupations for which you are most suited


-The Spiritual Vibration condition of your personality





An Evaluation that will reveal your

-Core beliefs


-Physical, Emotional, Mental and Spiritual Behavior and Patterns

-The Radiant, Dark or Muddy Aura Color and The Meaning

This includes Center Top Bottom and Left Aura 


The Next Levels Analyzed

Base Chakra


Crown Chakra


An In-Depth Section On Your

Mind and Body

Social Life

Relationships and Intimacy

Career and Finances

All included on a 15 Page Report


We have been incorporating Eastern Philosophy into our medical and spiritual culture for years. It has brought a new level of healing to our society where modern western medicine has floundered.


While endeavoring to understand our Aura, we have lost the unenlightened stigma of negativity. We now realize that achieving Balance is a necessary key to Happiness and Prosperity. Having ones Aura and Chakra read is a method to discover where the imbalance exists. Once you discover where the real problem lies, then you can begin focused, deliberate healing work on yourself.


This is the Most Advanced Aura Reading Technology on the market today. 

To such an extent that Medical Doctors are using this method in its most advanced state to assist in diagnosing patients,



The equipment reads the energy from your hand along with video images of your body to provide a completely detailed and accurate 14 page report. During the reading we review each page and a copy may be sent to your email for a small fee upon request.  

Mention you viewed our website and you will receive your 14 page hard copy report for FREE!

               For additional information

                       To Schedule an Aura Reading


Call  855-243-2220 (ext.1) Sylvia

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